
Book Submissions

Thank you for your interest in submitting work to photo-eye.

If you are interested in submitting a book to photo-eye for possible inclusion in our bookstore, online book database and/or for review in our photo-eye Blog, please send your review copy to:

Book Division Submissions
1300 Rufina Circle, Suite A3
Santa Fe, NM 87507

Please include pricing and distribution details (including your wholesale price to bookstores) and a book description. If you would like your book returned, please include return postage or a UPS/Fedex Return form.

If you are in Santa Fe, you are welcome to drop off your book for consideration. Please call our bookstore at 505.988.5152 x 201 to make an appointment or get directions. View Map

To check on a book(s) already submitted to the bookstore/online bookstore, contact Christopher Johnson. If it's for a Blog review, contact Owen Kobasz.

If you are interested in submitting a portfolio to photo-eye for possible inclusion in one of our galleries, click here.