
Palíndromo Mészáros

Palíndromo Mészaros was born in 1986 in Madrid. Master Degree in documentary photography by EFTI, nowadays he study architecture in the ETSAM, where he colaborates with an internship in the Culture and Exhibition department. EDUCATION 2011 - Master degree in photography ”New reality, new documentarism”. EFTI 2010 - Professional photography course. EFTI. 2008 - 2009 - Architecture. BME(University of Technology and Economy) Budapest, Hungary. 2004 - 2012 - Architecture (5th year) ETSAM, UPM Madrid. AWARDS 2012 - Juror’s Choice Award. CENTER Project Competition. Santa Fe, NM. - Selected. Review Santa Fe 2012 - Selected. Descubrimientos Photoespaña 2011 - Future prize “Al-Betrayal”. EFTI - 1st prize on the EFTI.org November photo contest. - Honourable mention on the XIX Lux awards of the Spanish Professional photography Association. 2010 - Selected on “Roberto Villagraz” grant - Seleccted on the XXIII EFTI photo contest. - Selected for the portfolio review. Aranjuez international photography Days. PUBLISHING 2012 - New Scientist; Mother Jones; American Photo; Newsweek’s Picture Dept; Repubblica.it; NPR; Designboom; ABC 7; Fraction Magazine; 30y3: Spanish Photography Now. 2011 - Rural Contemporánea. 2010 - ARCHITEKTURA murator. Poland. EXHIBITIONS 2012 - “The Line” Solo Exhibition. “0.00156 Acres Gallery” Brooklyn. NY. - “Festival des Promenades Photographiques” Vendôme. 2011 - “Festival Off Photoespaña 2011” Group exhibition Master EFTI - “De tal palo tal astilla” Group exhibition. Tarazona Photo Festival 2011. - Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya. Travelling exhibition of the prizewinner works in the XIX Lux awards 2010 - “Congreso Internacional de Ciudades Creativas” Group exhibition. UCM university PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY 2011 - 2012 - ExpoETSAM. Member of the culture and exhibition department of the Architecture University of Madrid. 2011 - photoETSAM 2011 contest coordinator. - Jessica Dimock’s translator and assistant. Aranjuez photography Days 2010 - Festival MUSA 2010. Official photographer. “International Advertising Association” perfomance 2008 - Atelier “Javier Bardón Arquitectura”. Architecture projects and contests. - Atelier “PYF arquitectura”. Architecture projects, contest and graphics.
