
Michael Itkoff

Michael Itkoff, photographer, writer, educator and a Founding Editor of Daylight Publishing, received his BA from Sarah Lawrence College and an M.F.A. in Advanced Photographic Studies from ICP/Bard. Michael’s photographs have appeared on the covers of Orion, Katalog, Next American City and Philadelphia Weekly and he has written for the NYTimes Lens blog, Art Asia Pacific, Nueva Luz, Conscientious blog and the Forward. Michael was the recipient of the Howard Chapnick Grant for the Advancement of Photojournalism (2006), a Creative Artists Fellowship from the Pennsylvania Arts Council (2007), and a Puffin Foundation Grant (2008). Michael’s monograph Street Portraits was published by Charta Editions in 2009. www.michaelitkoff.com / www.daylightmagazine.org
