
Lewis Koch

Drawing upon aspects of photography, sculpture, assemblage and text, Lewis Koch calls attention to the often unremarked upon elements of everyday life. Over the past thirty years, his work has been shown in garages, on kiosks and billboards, as well as in museums and galleries, with solo exhibitions in New York, London, Brussels, Seoul, Toronto, Chicago and Los Angeles. His work is in permanent collections throughout the United States, Canada and Europe, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Maison Européenne de la Photographie (Paris), Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe (Hamburg), Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Whitney Museum of American Art, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago). As an artist-in-residence at Copenhagen’s Fotografisk Center, Koch created the web project "Touchless Automatic Wonder." Located at www.photography.dk, it provides an overview of his work prior to 2001; and is also the basis for a monograph (Borderland Books, Madison, 2009) by the same title. "When Things Dream" (2006), the third installation in the artist’s Garage Trilogy, is shown on the web at www.afsnitp.dk as Garageography 3.0.7. His most recent works, "osaycanyousee" (2008) and "Bomber, a chance unwinding" (2011), present a visual narrative that critiques the globalization of conflict and endless war.
