
Kevin Kunishi

Kevin Kunishi (born 1975) has been based in the San Francisco Bay Area since 2004, where he continues work on numerous projects both at home and around the globe. His work has been recognized by numerous organizations and publications including The New Yorker, American Photo Magazine, The International Photography Awards, the New York Photo Festival, ONWARD, Photo District News, CENTER, Photolucida, Monocle Magazine, CMYK magazine, Photographer’s Forum and Prix de la Photographie, Paris (PX3). His work has been shown nationally at Project Basho in Philadelphia, PA, The Detroit Museum of Contemporary Photography, the Corcoran Museum in Washington D.C and The Bekman Gallery in New York. In 2011 he was the honorary recipient of the Blue Earth Alliance Award for Best Photography Project, an award that honors projects that demonstrate excellence in the field of photography. His first monograph Los Restos de la Revolución will be released by Daylight Publishing in the Fall of 2012.
