
Katrin Koenning

Katrin Koenning currently lives and works in Melbourne, Australia. Much of her work investigates the ordinary and everyday, and is concerned with questions of place and belonging. Her work has been shown at international photography festivals such as New York Photo Festival, Noorderlicht, FORMAT and Voies Off. Katrin has exhibited widely and has been published in The Guardian, The International Herald Tribune (NYT), Bloomberg Businessweek, GUP Magazine, Der Spiegel Magazine and DeepSleep Magazine amongst others. She has won a number of awards including the 2012 annual JGS Award by the Forward Thinking Museum, an IPA Award, the Troika Editions Format Exposure Prize and a Julia Margaret Cameron Award. In 2011, Katrin was voted Australia's Top Emerging Documentary Photographer and selected as an artist for Hijacked 3: AUS/UK. Katrin is a former Editor of the Australian PhotoJournalist Magazine.
