Gay Block began photographing in 1973, making portraits of her affluent Jewish community in Houston. Her landmark work with writer Malka Drucker, RESCUERS: Portraits of Moral Courage in the Holocaust, Holmes & Meier, 1992, is now in its 5th printing. The portraits were exhibited internationally at over fifty venues, including Museum of Modern Art, NY, and the Cocoran Gallery of Art. Block's visual autobiography of her mother, BERTHA ALYCE: Mother exPosed, UNM Press, 2003, contains an award-winning 24-minute video seen in over 25 film festivals. Block's next work was a 2006 re-photographic project of the women whom she photographed as camp girls in 1981. ABOUT LOVE: photographs and Films 1973-2011, a monograph of over two hundred images and including five films on two DVDs, was published by Radius Books in 2011. Block's photographs are included in collections at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, MoMA, NY, and San Francisco MoMA, among many others.