
Dustin Shum

Dustin Shum graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1994 with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree in Photographic Design. Having been a photojournalist for more than ten years, he now works as a freelance photographer. He has been awarded many honours for outstanding documentary photography over the years, including awards by the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Press Photographers Association and Amnesty International. Solo exhibitions held include “Alias: Xianggang” (2003) ,“Photogenic Olympians” (2009) and “Blocks” (2011). Shum has published several catalogues including Live Alone a Life: People with Mental Illness (2007), and Themeless Parks: Photographs by Dustin Shum (2008). He also participated in many local and international joint exhibitions including “Imaging Hong Kong”(2008), Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial (2010), City Flâneur: Social Documentary Photography (2010)?Pingyao International photography Festival (2008 & 2011), “Photography Now: China, Japan, Korea” (2009, organized by SFMoMA) , Savignano SI Fest (2010) and Asolo Art Film Festival (2011) in Italy. He is also one of the Hong Kong photographers participate in "Different Dimension", the International Festival of Contemporary Photography held by Novosibirsk Museum of Art in Russia in May, 2012. His works are collected by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Hong Kong Heritage Museum and private collectors.
