
Alejandro Cartagena

Alejandro lives and works in Monterrey, Mexico. His projects employ landscape and portraiture as a means to examine social, urban and environmental issues. His work has been exhibited internationally and is in the collections of several museums including the SFMOMA, the Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago, the Museum of Fine arts Houston, the Portland Museum of Art, the Museo de Arte Moderno in Rio, Brazil. He has received the Photolucida Critical Mass book award, the Premio IILA-Fotografia 2012 award in Rome and a POYi reportage award of excellence. He has been named a FOAM magazine talent and one of PDN´s magazine 30 emerging photographers. He has also been a finalist for the Aperture Portfolio award and has been nominated for the Santa Fe photography prize, the Prix Pictet prize, the Photoespaña Descubrimientos award and the FOAM Paul Huff award. Alejandro’s work has been published internationally in magazines such as Newsweek, the New York Times Lens blog, Nowness, Domus, the Financial Times, le Monde, Stern, PDN, the New Yorker, the Independent, Monocle and Wallpaper. He is represented by Kopeikin Gallery in Los Angeles and Circuit Gallery in Toronto Canada.
