
Aleix Plademunt

In 2000 he studied technical engineering at UdG and in 2003 he received a degree in photography from UPC, Barcelona. During the subsequent years he has worked ceaselessly on myriad personal photographic projects. Some of the highlights of these are Espacios Comunes (2005), Espectadores (2006), Nada (2007), Cult (2008), DubaiLand (2008), All (2009), Small Dreams (2009), We are here (2009), Movimientos de Suelo (2010), La Càmera Gran (2011) and Almost There (2013). In 2006 he began his collaboration with Olivier Waltman Gallery (Paris) and Valle Ortí (Valencia). In 2011, together with the photographers Roger Guaus and Juan Diego Valera, he founded an editorial project called Ca l'Isidret Edicions to publish their own work. In order to keep developing some of his projects he has joined a few different grants. With Fotopress’09 Scholarship he worked in the project DubaiLand. Propuestas’09 Scholarship (Arte y Derecho) helped him to produce Small Dreams. Agita’09 and EADC Grant made possible the project La Càmera Gran [The Great Camera]. In 2006 he was awarded with Ángel de Fotografía Scholarship (BAF´001) to work in the project Nada. In 2004 he attended a course at Universidad de las Americas (UDLA) in Cholula, Mexico, thanks to a scholarship from UPC to extend studies abroad. He also received the Purificación García Photography Price in 2010, and the INJUVE 2006 Photography Award. In 2010 he was nominated in Joop Swart Masterclass organized by World Press Photo. He has published 2 books: Almost There (published by MACK and Ca l’Isidret Edicions, Fall 2013), and Movimientos de Suelo (published by Ca l’Isidret Edicions, 2010). He has been selected in some publications as 100 New Artists book (Curated by Francesca Gavin, Published by Laurence King Publishing, 2011), Arte Español Contemporaneo 1992-2013 (Curated by Rafael Doctor, Published by La Fábrica, 2013), BCN Crea (Published by La Fabrica, 2012), and Lugares de Tránsito (Curated by Eneas Bernal, Published by RM, 2012). Since 2003, he has also exhibited his work in museums, festivals, galleries and art fairs in Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Paris, London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Lisbon, Basel, New York, Miami, Chicago, Washington, Austin, Caracas and Mexico. In total, he has featured in over forty group shows and fifteen individual exhibitions.
