
Aaron Schuman

AARON SCHUMAN is an American photographer, writer, editor, lecturer and curator based in the United Kingdom. He received a B.F.A. in Photography and History of Art from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts in 1999, and a Masters in Humanities and Cultural Studies, from the University of London’s London Consortium in 2003. Schuman exhibits his photographic work internationally - most recently at Flowers Gallery (’Uncommon Ground’, London, 2012) - and regularly contributes photography, articles, essays and interviews to a number of publications including Aperture, FOAM, Photoworks, ArtReview, Modern Painters, 1000Words, HotShoe International, The British Journal of Photography, and more; he has also recently contributed writings to several books, including Pieter Hugo: This Must Be the Place (Prestel, 2012), The Photographs Not Taken (Daylight, 2012), Hijacked 3 (Big City Press, 2012), and Melinda Gibson’s The Photograph as Contemporary Art (2012). In 2010, Schuman was invited to curate one of four principal exhibitions at the Fotofest Biennial - his exhibition, ‘Whatever Was Splendid: New American Photographs’, centered on the underlying legacy of Walker Evans's American Photographs within contemporary American photographic practice. In 2011, he curated ‘Other I: Alec Soth, WassinkLundgren, Viviane Sassen’ (Hotshoe Gallery, London, Oct./Nov. 2011). And in 2012, he curated ‘In Appropriation’ (Houston Center of Photography, Houston, Sept./Oct. 2012). Schuman is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Brighton and the Arts University College at Bournemouth. He is also the founder and editor of SeeSaw Magazine (www.seesawmagazine.com). For more information, please visit: www.aaronschuman.com
