This year, photo-eye is celebrating our 45th anniversary as an independent photo bookstore and gallery. To commemorate, we invited 45 artists and other professionals deeply involved in the photobook world to select up to three of their favorite photobooks of the year. We hope you enjoy exploring their eclectic choices and discovering these amazing books!

In 1979, I published the inaugural issue of photo-eye Booklist while living in Austin, Texas, to highlight the best photography books being published at the time. Now, with the explosion in the number of new photobooks each year, our role as curators is more important than ever. Thank you for supporting our mission to bring you the best photobooks from around the world.

Rixon Reed  
photo-eye Founder/Director

P A R T   T W O
Part Two in our Two-Part Series
P A R T   O N E
Part One in our Two-Part Series