Hans Gremmen's Favorite Books of 2023

The Oldest Thing — Ruth van Beek.   Published by Van Zoetendaal.

The work of Ruth van Beek is made for books. All her books are special, but I think this is one of her best ones. The design and edit are great. The small size (12x16cm) is a very brave decision, and balanced well with the modest hardcover: a gem.

Hans Gremmen is a graphic designer, based in Amsterdam. In 2008 he founded publishing house Fw:Books; a publishing house with a focus on photography related projects and books. Together with Roma Publications he recently founded ENTER ENTER; a project space in the centre of Amsterdam which explores the boundaries of the book.

www.fw-books.nl / IG: fw.books

www.enter-enter.nl / IG: enter___enter

Portrait by Indrek Sirkel / Lugemik