Brian Arnold's Favorite Books of 2023

Baltimore Portraits — Steven Cuffie.   Published by Dashwood Books.

This is a humble and unexpected book by Steven Cuffie, all photographs of women (presumably his lovers) and children he found on the streets of Baltimore. The collection is edited by his youngest son, Marcus Cuffie, and offers an interesting look into Black life in Baltimore in the late 1970s and early 80s. The production of the book is lovely too — a small book with simple, even crude reproductions, giving it an intimate, hometown feel.

Brian Arnold is a photographer, writer, and translator based in Ithaca, NY. He has taught and exhibited his work around the world and published books, including A History of Photography in Indonesia, with Oxford University Press, Cornell University, Amsterdam University, and Afterhours Books. Brian is a two-time MacDowell Fellow and in 2014 received a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation/American Institute for Indonesian Studies.
