Yumi Goto’s Favorite Book from 2021

Season in the Colors by Jungsik Shin.   Published by VOSTOK PRESS.

One day, I happened to see this book online and I just had to have it. Jungsik Shin's photobook Season in the Colors, which I probably wouldn't have come across if not for that coincidence.

It is difficult for a book like this, published in a corner of Asia, to reach the eyes of the world, I would like to select this book as the book of the year for its beautiful writing and visualization of the global phenomenon of dementia. The text was all in Korean, but he had handwritten the Japanese translation and inserted it into each page for me. The fact that he did such a careful job made me feel a strong desire to share this record not only between father and son, but also with us. The reason why he felt he had to take photos was not so much to keep a record, but to give him an excuse to go out. His father, who never responded to any words, responded to the words, "Let's go take pictures.”

The photos are excellent, and you can fully understand them without the text, but reading this text also tells us how "dementia" must be perceived by the family.

There are still many books like this one that I wish would be more widely seen, but instead they remain in the background. I would like this book to shine in the light because of this opportunity.

Yumi Goto is an independent photography curator, editor, researcher, consultant, educator and publisher who focuses on the development of cultural exchanges that transcend borders.

She collaborates with local and international artists who live and work in areas affected by conflict, natural disasters, current social problems, human rights abuses and women’s issues. She often works with human rights advocates, international and local NGOs, humanitarian organizations and as well as being involved as a nominator and juror for the international photographic organizations, festivals and events.

She is now based in Tokyo and is also a co-founder and curator for the Reminders Photography Stronghold which is curated membership gallery space in Tokyo enabling a wide range of photographic activities. In addition to the RPS in Tokyo, in November of 2020, she established a new RPS offshoot “Paperoles" in Kyoto and will lead a full-fledged activity starting in 2021.