STANLEY BARKER’s Favorite Book from 2021

Please Notify the Sun by Stephen Gill.   Published by Nobody Books.

Hands down our favourite book of 2021. Stephen Gill's Please Notify the Sun is exciting, original and beyond wonderful. In 2020 Gill set out to catch and photograph a fish, Karl Ove Knausgård who wrote an essay for the publication, writes in the book "Nothing could have prepared me for the pictures he sent me after the ten-week photographing process was over; the photographs that now make up this book. These images are like glimpses of an unknown world.” There is a really exciting, good energy in Gill's work, and in his books published under his imprint — Nobody Press. He takes us back to the joy and discovery through photography and reminds us why we love it so much.

STANLEY/BARKER is a publishing house founded in London, UK, by Rachel and Gregory Barker. From their studio they produce a select list of highly individual publications each year, working with artists including Christopher Anderson, Trent Parke, Mark Steinmetz and Mimi Plumb.