Rob Hornstra’s Favorite Book from 2021

Strajk by Rafal Milach.   Published by JEDNOSTKA Gallery.

Rafal Milach unflinchingly documents the many fierce and vibrant demonstrations in his country Poland that are the result of the introduction of restrictive laws (f.e. on abortion) orchestrated by an incredibly conservative regime. Together with sixteen other photographers, he created Archive of Public Protests (APP), publishing newspapers that are distributed free of charge during the demonstrations. On the one hand, to reinforce the demonstrators and amplify their voice which is often ridiculed in the media. On the other hand, to become part of the demonstrations by means of large slogans that can be taken out and used in demonstrations. APP strengthens the power of the protesters, the demonstrations and, as a side effect, Magnum photographer Rafal Milach constantly draws international attention to the vicious and radicalising politics in his country.

Rob Hornstra (Utrecht, The Netherlands) is a Dutch photographer and self-publisher. Currently he is working on The Europeans 2020-2030, a long-term project on Europe in a time when Europe is under pressure. He also presents a live talkshow about photobooks in his hometown Utrecht.
