Regina Anzenberger’s Favorite Book from 2021

and, do you still hear the peacock? by Miho Kajioka.   Self-Published.

Photography as poetry in its purest form — So I would describe Miho Kajioka’s pictures. This book is the first time her pictures are shown in a larger format and this surprise is a wonderful one. For the special edition, Miho has created a wooden box. The lid is coated with the picture printed on rice paper and it perfectly works as an artwork you can hang on the wall. Each edition comes with a different motif. Here we see that the book becomes an art object and the other way around. The book has three parts to leaf and consists of different papers. In December 2021 Ibasho will publish a regular edition of only the book in a small print run.

Regina Anzenberger is an artist, curator and founder of the AnzenbergerAgency, Gallery and bookshop. She lives in Vienna Austria.
