Owen Kobasz’s Favorite Book from 2021

The city and all it holds by Roni Ahn.   Self-Published.

Living under the omnipresent cloud of lockdowns, closures, and distance, it's difficult to be young these days. It's awkward to rebel on zoom. To fall in (and out) of love from six feet away. As individuals in the new generation carve out spaces for themselves, they do so as mediated by a pandemic. Depressing.

The city and all it holds, Roni Ahn’s first book, is then a refreshing testament to the youth of today. Or, in her words, "an intimate reflection on human connection at a time where isolation is encouraged and sometimes mandated". Light hearted and hopeful, it’s a joy to view.

Owen Kobasz is photo-eye's Newsletter, Blog and Social Media Editor. He lives in Philadelphia and likes to take photos in his free time. You can find him on Instagram as @owenkobasz.