Nancy Floyd’s Favorite Book from 2021

Leaving and Waving by Deanna Dikeman.   Published by Chose Commune.

In Leaving and Waving, Deanna Dikeman photographs her parent’s in their front yard as she leaves their home, again and again, from 1991-2017. Dikeman returns most years, first with a dog in ‘95 and then her infant son in ‘97. Sometimes her hand and camera appear in her automobile’s side mirror.

Dikeman’s unassuming photographs are flawless. In a fraction of a second, a goodbye is captured — hand gestures caught mid-air. Her parents smile as they look at their daughter, at us, through the car’s window frame. As time passes, their bodies grow frail while Dikeman’s son, appearing from time to time, will grow into a young man. In the final image, the front yard is empty, completing the goodbye lifecycle.

Nancy Floyd’s 39-year self-portarit project, Weathering Time, was published by GOST in 2021 and this fall her latest work, Walking Through the Desert with My Eyes Closed was featured in a solo-exhibition at Whitespace in Atlanta, Georgia. She lives in Bend, Oregon.
