LE BAL Books’s Favorite Book from 2021

A Slow Boat To China by Marion Scemama & David Wojnarowicz.   Published by Is-Land.

Published by Is-land, this book gathers images taken by the french photographer Marion Scemama during a road trip in 1991 in the American desert with the artist David Wojnarowicz, just before he died of AIDS. On the way to San Francisco with Wojnarowicz to launch his book Close to the Knives, Scemama took more than a hundred pictures of them on the road, as well as photographs of abandoned motels and villages of the Death Valley, all of which built the mythology of the American road. Beautiful texts by Elisabeth Lebovici, Cynthia Carr, Thibault Bouvain and excerpts from the travel diaries of Marion Scemama and David Wojnarowicz complete this deeply moving book on friendship, love and death.

LE BAL Books is the bookshop and publishing imprint of LE BAL in Paris, run by Emilie Lauriola and Chloƫ Rebmann.
