Christopher J Johnson’s Favorite Book from 2021

The Missing Eye by Mattia Parodi & Piergiorgio Sorgetti.   Published by Witty Books.

The Missing Eye effortlessly creates the sense of a dream through its sequence of seemingly unrelated, though logically linked images. I am reminded of one of Andre Breton’s prose poems, it takes on the animus of a dream, “I took the escalator up to the meadow,” he tells us, among other things. Dreams work from a logic that is obscure to us, it’s 10% surface, 90% subconscious: the icebergs of our cerebral experience. Slideshows in which everything works by a logic of its own and which seems more natural, even, than the progression of our waking lives.

Christopher J Johnson is the recipient of The Mountains West Poetry Series first book publication prize (2016). He has written on photobooks since 2012, and has been a bookseller since 2008. He is currently manager of photo-eye Bookstore.