Awoiska van der Molen’s Favorite Book from 2021

The Minox Files by Mark van den Brink.   Published by Van Zoetendaal Publishers.

My first thought seeing this post-card sized, still voluminous publication, designed by the respected Dutch Willem van Zoetendaal: I have missed this kind of photography for a long time. However, after staying with the book longer I realize it is not just the manner of photographing that moves me, but also the mental state where the images are leading me to. For many years Mark van den Brink photographed his wanderings around the world with a subminiature 8x11mm Minox (spy) camera. When traveling outside our own comfort zone, countless impressions of this new surrounding make an imprint and get tucked away in the unconscious of our 'memory hard disc’. This book carries all these scenes that we thought have dissolved in ourselves, but here these are given back to us, better preserved by our memory we could ever imagine. Because van den Brink has the most sensitive and poetic eye on life and worlds passing by. Clean from a romantic sentiment, because live simply ain’t that easily romantic.

Awoiska van der Molen is based in Amsterdam. The main focus of her work is centered on analogue images that manifest an intuitive memory of our original connection to the natural world. Her monographs Sequester (2014), Blanco (2017) and The Living Mountain (2020) are designed and published by Hans Gremmen, Fw:Books.
