Owen Kobasz’s Favorite Book from 2020

Polar Night by Mark Mahaney.   Published by Trespasser.

Utqiagvik, AK, or, “The place where snowy owls are hunted”. The edge of the world. 65 days of darkness. Polar Night.

Mark Mahaney’s surreal photographs picture a world muted by a thick blanket of snow. In this sun-less land, time seems to stand still; only illuminated windows, fearsome dogs, and frozen cars hint at the presence of an unseen other.

Such a book has been an appropriate companion for this unexpected year of solitude and shelter. The final image — the warm gradient of a long-awaited sunrise — remains a welcome reminder.

Honorable Mentions:
The Freedom Within Us: East German Photography 1980-1989 
I Can Make You Feel Good by Tyler Mitchell

Owen Kobasz is photo-eye's Newsletter, Blog and Social Media Editor. He holds a BA in the liberal arts from St. John's College and takes photos in his free time. Currently based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, you can find him on Instagram as @owenkobasz.