Juan Brenner’s Favorite Book from 2020

ciprian honey cathedral by Raymond Meeks.   Published by Mack.

Meeks´poetic and intimate storytelling shines through the whole document. It's so refreshing to find a mix of black and white and color images that speaks in such a powerful way; the design is definitely a big player in this publication, risky and sleek.

Honorable Mentions:
When a Man Loves a Woman by Molly Matalon 
Let the Sun Beheaded Be by Gregory Halpern

Photographer and independent art director, lives and works in Guatemala City.

For more than a decade he lived in New York where he worked as a fashion photographer, his images have been published in international magazines such as Nylon, Style and the Family Tunes, People, Oyster, L’Uomo Vogue, BON, and Anthem among others.

His first monograph, Tonatiuh,  was nominated to Aperture’s “First Book Award” in 2019.
