Allie Haeusslein’s Favorite Book from 2020

A Mycological Foray by John Cage.   Published by Atelier Éditions.

In a year that has felt endless and devoid of much inspiration, Atelier Éditions’ John Cage: A Mycological Foray is a welcome respite, an opportunity to get happily lost amongst the photographs, illustrations, texts, and compositions that intermingle in this playful box set.

Thoughtful design, dynamic sequencing, and well-selected materials make every page turn or unfolding sheet part of an immersive experience. I have spent more than a few mornings relishing the smile-inducing photographs of a foraging Cage and his mushroom-related collections, and even attempted a reading of his enigmatic composition Mushrooms et Variationes to my confused dog. The additionally included facsimile of Mushroom Book (1972) — a collaboration between Cage, illustrator Lois Long, and botanist Alexander H. Smith — is icing on the cake, an art object in its own right that is exquisitely executed and begs to be handled.

Right now, when much of our everyday lives feel beyond our control and dominated by a lengthy list of bans, Cage’s embrace of indeterminacy and chance, and his reminder to celebrate discovery and revel in the outdoors, feels like the poignant invitation we all need to receive over and over again and are rejuvenated in accepting.

Honorable Mentions:
  The White Sky by Mimi Plumb 
Afterlife by Vasantha Yogananthan 

Allie Haeusslein is the Associate Director of Pier 24 Photography in San Francisco.

www.alliehaeusslein.com | www.pier24.org | @haus_of_allie