Yuji Hamada’s Favorite Book from 2019

The Mechanical Retina on My Fingertips by Issei Suda.   Published by Zen Foto Gallery.

Issei Suda is known as the master of snapshots from the '60s in Japan.
The Mechanical Retina on My Fingertips is what Suda named the Minox Camera that held him in thrall from 1991 to 1992. The Minox is popularly known as a spy camera—it fits in the pocket with a shutter release as light as the blink of an eye. The resulting images, printed from 8x11mm negatives, are grainy with a flat perspective. Suda comments that “no other camera ever accompanied my activities so closely.”
I feel the photographs ahead of seeing. I can see a lot of pure images in this small book.

Born in Osaka, Japan in 1979. Graduated from the Department of Photography, Nihon University College of Art in 2003. Currently based in Tokyo with works being exhibited worldwide. Hamada experiments with a variety of unique approaches to create work that is highly conceptual yet rooted in the fundamentals of photography.

His major publications include photograph (lemon books, 2014) and C/M/Y (Fw:books, 2015), which uses the printing process as a means of photographic expression, and BRANCH (lemon books, 2015), a series created with only fallen branches found while mountain climbing in Switzerland. Primal Mountain (torch press) is scheduled to be released in Dec 2019.