Tricia Gabriel’s Favorite Book from 2019

Deep Time by Lynn Alleva Lilley.   Published by The Eriskay Connection.

“None of this had to happen” is the first thing you read in Jane Hirshfield's opening essay for Lynn Alleva Lilley’s book Deep Time. I was drawn to this book by the title and design. The outer slipcase looks like the water at night and when you page through the book you are submerged intellectually, visually and physically. Lilley poetically introduces us to the horseshoe crab and its life through beautiful photographs and encyclopedic descriptions. I keep paging through this book, front to back and back to front, immersed in the water, sand and sky, thinking about this arthropod’s life and evolution, time and change. The thoughtful collaboration between The Eriskay Connection and Lilley shows in the production, design and edit.

Tricia Gabriel lives and works in Los Angeles as a publisher, a book representative, granola and fabric-dying maker. She is the co-founder of The Ice Plant. Theiceplant.cc