Tim Carpenter’s Favorite Book from 2019

I wish the world was even by Matteo Di Giovanni.   Published by Artphilein Editions.

Back in July, I wrote about the remarkable photobook I wish the world was even by Matteo Di Giovanni for the photo-eye blog. I loved it then, and my appreciation has only deepened in the months since. In this book, the twin truths of longing and of thwarted desire somehow find precarious coexistence. The real world can never meet our idealized version of it; in fact, it actively pushes back against anyone foolish enough to think so. Determined enough to keep trying. Brave enough to find beauty and a sort of wholeness in the trying. Generous enough to share what he’s found. I wish the world was even is a generous book indeed.

Tim Carpenter is a photographer and writer who works in Brooklyn and central Illinois. He is the author of Christmas Day, Bucks Pond Road, Local objects, Still feel gone, township, and The king of the birds, among other books. timcarpenterphotography.com