Rudi Thoemmes’s Favorite Book from 2019

The Pillar by Stephen Gill.   Published by Nobody.

On a visit to Narayana Press earlier this year, I was told about a photographer they recently had on press who was such a perfectionist that it took 12 days to print his book. Narayana wondered if I knew him since he also came from Bristol. Of course, I remembered Stephen, who gave a memorable talk at one of our photobook festivals and left a lasting impression. He has since moved to Sweden with his family, where the photographs for this book were taken.

I am very glad that Narayana showed so much patience in the production of this truly beautiful and remarkable book. Thank you Stephen, and thank you Narayana Press for enabling Stephen Gill’s genius and obsessiveness to create such a brilliant and creative work of art.

Rudi Thoemmes is a Bristol based publisher and bookseller. www.rrbphotobooks.com