Paula McCartney’s Favorite Book from 2019

Cloud Service by Batia Suter.   Published by ROMA Publications.

Batia Suter’s Cloud Service is my favorite book of the year because it reminds me of the joy of looking and the rewards of considering the interconnectedness of things. Like a song stuck in your head, once one becomes aware of a subject, it can be seen everywhere, in everything. Among the many found photographs of clouds in the book, wavy coral and a polar bear with its rump in the air hover on a spread like a cumulus cloud while galloping horses and a Muybridge motion study rush through the sequence like a quickly passing storm. The connections that Suter makes are seemingly unlimited, as they were when you were a child naming what shapes you saw in the clouds.

Paula McCartney makes photographs, books and ceramics in Minneapolis, MN. Her newest book is titled, What Doesn’t Kill You Will Likely Try Again, and she is one half of A Fine Mess Press with photographer Jason Vaughn. paulamccartney.com