Jess Dugan’s Favorite Book from 2019

At No Point In Between by Zora J Murff.   Published by Dais Books.

Zora J. Murff’s newest book, At No Point In Between, focuses on the history of systemic violence against Black people and communities in the United States, by combining historical photographs and documents with contemporary photographs made in Omaha, Nebraska’s Near North Side neighborhood. Like Murff’s other projects, At No Point In Between is rooted in historical research and is also deeply resonant with the present moment.

As he often does so eloquently, Murff approaches a difficult and complex topic from multiple vantage points, creating a project that is poetic and subjective, but simultaneously engaged with an objectively violent past. It is this precise duality that makes this book so compelling; it asks the viewer to experience the violence enacted upon individuals and communities from a personal vantage point while also outlining the larger societal structures that support—and in many cases encourage—this violence.

Jess T. Dugan is an artist whose work explores issues of identity, gender, sexuality, and community through photographic portraiture. Her work is regularly exhibited internationally and is in the permanent collections of several major museums. www.jessdugan.com