Jason Eskenazi’s Favorite Book from 2019

American Origami by Andres Gonzalez.   Published by Fw: Books + Light Work.

For my photo-eye book of the year, I chose American Origami by Andres Gonzales. The title, the design of folded papers revealing a deeper inside and insight, and the content, are perfectly matched and support this inquiry into America's deepest psychological plague of mass shootings. It not only offers the facts but the mystery as well. And it's only in that mystery that we can find within the creases and the crevasses how the epidemic started to spread, manifested and metastasized itself, finds remission and recurrence. Andres Gonzales took a picture of that which can not be seen by the naked eye and made it into this book for all to see.

Jason Eskenazi/Guggenheim Fellow; Fulbright Scholar; Author of the trilogy (Wonderland: A Fairy Tale of the Soviet Monolith~Black Garden~Departure Lounge); and By the Glow of the Jukebox: The Americans List; Founder of Red Hook Editions; Creator of Dog Food Magazine.