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Tim Carpenter's favorite book from 2018

As much as I’d like to shine a spotlight on an unknown photographer or a new publishing house, to my mind there was no better 2018 release than Gossage’s new Steidl book. The pictures are ten years old, and not “timeless” exactly but rather not of a time. Topicality is never much of an element in Gossage anyway because his pictures don’t rely on subject matter for meaning; rather they are new things in the world that engender their own authority. This is truer than ever in the fable at hand, in which we gain access to the ineffable: the combination of strangeness and comfort in the first exploration of a place well known to a friend. And if that’s not enough for you: this book is the greatest — the most luscious — feat of black-and-white printing I’ve ever seen and (thrillingly) felt. It is to be experienced in person and at length.

Tim Carpenter is a photographer and writer who works in Brooklyn and central Illinois. He is the author of Local objects, township, and Still feel gone, among other books, as well as a co-founder of TIS books.

Tim Carpenter's favorite book from 2018

Back in July, I wrote about the remarkable photobook I wish the world was even by Matteo Di Giovanni for the photo-eye blog. I loved it then, and my appreciation has only deepened in the months since. In this book, the twin truths of longing and of thwarted desire somehow find precarious coexistence. The real world can never meet our idealized version of it; in fact, it actively pushes back against anyone foolish enough to think so. Determined enough to keep trying. Brave enough to find beauty and a sort of wholeness in the trying. Generous enough to share what he’s found. I wish the world was even is a generous book indeed.

Tim Carpenter is a photographer and writer who works in Brooklyn and central Illinois. He is the author of Christmas Day, Bucks Pond Road, Local objects, Still feel gone, township, and The king of the birds, among other books.

Tim Carpenter's favorite book from 2018

I hesitate to say too much about Double Orbit before showing it to friends because I want them to experience its delights themselves, without my interference. Words would overwhelm the modesty of the book’s perfection, which resides equally in the pictures, the printing, and the simple, elegant materials and construction. It’s rare that a photobook feels so completely integrated with all of its components, and remarkable that such restraint in making should result in such a surplus of meaning. It demands to be experienced in person.

Tim Carpenter is a photographer and writer who lives and works in Brooklyn and central Illinois.