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Miwa Susuda's favorite book from 2018

John Edmonds' work is born from a unique mythology. In this sense, Higher could be considered the bible of his kingdom. Through the symbolic compositions of color and subject in his portrait series Hoods, Du-rags, and Tribe, Edmonds challenges us to consider an alternative perspective of the subjects presented. This perspective denies the sort of typical quick judgments prevalent in society and visual vocabulary today. Contemplation towards something "higher" and "eternal" is what came to mind upon my initial encounter with this book.

Director at Session Press, manager at Dashwood Books and writer for IMA magazine, Tokyo. Based in New York, NY.

Miwa Susuda's favorite book from 2018

Marcopoulos’ photos are pervasive serenity, an oasis in a frenetic urban landscape. His work is a reminder of hope against all odds—a reminder that we can connect, that we can attain fleeting serendipity and even love in the face of apparent futility. Moving through Entropy, I feel reassured that we are indeed allowed to seek out those bonds that join us together as human beings beyond the borders of nation, culture, history, and time.

Publisher of Session Press, manager at Dashwood Books and writer for IMA and VOSTOK magazines, Tokyo. Based in New York City.
Portrait by Cory Rice.

Miwa Susuda's favorite book from 2018

Mark Peckmezian’s portraits capture the accidental beauty of his subjects in a way that allows the myriad nuances of their identities to shine through.

Recent political tumult has led to an emphasis on art that serves an overt cause célèbre. Although there are many social issues that require addressing, the zeitgeist can also be overwhelming, especially on social media. Approaching art solely through the framework of political discourse — such as requiring it to constantly signal its virtues — may not always be helpful in terms of the artist's personal creativity and viewer's imagination.

There is still room for joy in photography, even in these turbulent times.

The impetus for creation should not start from justification, and should be more nuanced than a narrow binary of moral “right” or “wrong.”

Peckmezian’s work is a compelling reminder that photography does not have to be always political, and proof positive of the true playfulness and imagination that are possible when a photographer allows himself the freedom to engage spontaneously with his subjects.

Miwa Susuda: Publisher of Session Press, manager at Dashwood Books, writer for IMA magazine in Tokyo and mentor for Academy of British Journal of Photography. Based in New York City.

Portrait by Cory Rice.