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Kevin Bond's favorite book from 2018

This is the type of publication we need more of in our current lives. This project, the first part of the NotWrong series, is entitled A Bleak Reality. It is a collaboration of photographs by Kris Graves and features text by Thomas Chatterton Williams. The oversized monograph takes you to eight locations where young black men were murdered by police officers. All eight murders were caught on camera and became viral videos online.

NotWrong is a project that works with photographic artists to illustrate stories of gentrification, race, power, and discrimination. In times like the present, where one horrendous act replaces another on an almost daily basis, it’s important that some of these atrocities are collected into something that won’t be easily forgotten. This object is a reminder of the rights and wrongs that need to be addressed in our society. This book is not only a beautiful monograph, it is also a memorial.

Kevin Bond is an artist currently based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Primarily working with photography, his photographic sense was developed while a student at University of the Arts in Philadelphia. His works employ multiple techniques and methods, fusing traditional, historical and alternative processes with contemporary practices. Kevin strives to explore the limits of photography on a daily basis and enjoys pushing himself past his own creative boundaries. For two years he lived at Peters Valley School of Craft where he was the Artist Fellow in the Photography Department. While he was making a large variety of new work at Peters Valley he was also exploring the concept of sharing his passion for photography through the art of teaching. In 2017 he moved to New Mexico where he now works at Photo-Eye Bookstore and Bostick & Sullivan.

Kevin Bond's favorite book from 2018

Maja Daniels’ first book, Elf Dalia, is a captivating narrative interpretation of the unique history of the Swedish town of Älvdalen. Daniels photographed in Älvdalen from 2012 to 2017, where she discovered the work of a local inventor, mechanic and photographer, Tenn Lars Persson (1878–1938). Daniels’ photographs accompany Perrson’s archive from the century before her; their images are woven together with text from the language unique to this small town. The result reads like epic fiction, a mysterious fantasy coinciding with historical fact.

Kevin Bond is an artist living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. His photographic career began at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia and continued through an artist fellowship at Peters Valley School of Craft. It was there he cultivated a love of alternative processes and multidisciplinary practice and discovered the value of teaching and mentorship. In Santa Fe, he has worked for Bostick & Sullivan, where he expanded his knowledge of and experimentation with photographic chemistry, and photo-eye Bookstore, where he is steeped in inspiring work.