New Topographics
New Topographics

New Topographics

Auction Winner: ryang

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Bid # High Bid Name Time (MT)
11 $610 ryang 2:52:52 Feb 10
10 $600 dieuiv 2:52:52 Feb 10
9 $500 dieuiv 10:07:02 Feb 9
Auction Ended: Feb 10, 2004 8:00 am MT

New Topographics. Photographs of a Man-altered Landscape. Photographs by Robert Adams, Lewis Baltz, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Joe Deal, Frank Gohlke, Nicholas Nixon, John Schott, Stephen Shore, and Henry Wessel, Jr. International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House, Rochester, New York, 1975. Unpaged, 23 b&w illus, 1 color.

A groundbreaking and highly influential exhibition, New Topographics organized the work of ten photographers who photographed the landscape in a non-traditional way. While Ansel Adams and his followers photographed dramatic and astounding beauty in the landscape, the New Topographics photographers emphasized the tension between the land's traditional beauty and the results of our presence within it. "Pictures should look like they were easily taken. Otherwise beauty in the world is made to seem elusive and rare, which it is not."--Robert Adams, 1975. Adams' own The New West and Lewis Baltz's New Industrial Parks preceded this important exhibition. However, it was the exhibition itself that conceptualized and made public the work by these photographers as a major movement in photography. Now extremely scarce, only 2,500 copies of the catalog were printed.
Item Condition
Some brown staining on covers, more so on rear than front, pages are yellowing near their edges, faint smoke odor, otherwise Fine.

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